Vyon® Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

Vyon® PTFE is a versatile, PFOA/PFOS-free high-performance fluoropolymer. Our expertise enables us to produce high quality, sintered Vyon® PTFE with consistent pore size and permeability, without compromising performance. Sintered PTFE is widely used in  life science, medical and pharmaceutical applications for its hydrophobic properties, high mechanical strength and chemical resistance.

Properties of Vyon® PTFE

  • Hydrophobic
  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • High and low temperature resistance
  • Mechanical flexibility
  • PFOA/PFOS Free

Popular Applications

  • Chromatography including HPLC and sample preparation
  • Packaging vents
Polytetrafluoroethylene Table

Vyon® PTFE materials are not only available in the thicknesses listed above, they can be customised to meet your needs.

For more information on the range and grades of Vyon® PTFE materials available please contact enquiries@porvairsciences.com

Material Compatibility

This table is a quick guide to material compatibility. We recommend that before permanent installation, the material is tested with the chemical and under the specific conditions of your application.

Material Compatibility